
June 3, 2019

Front Yard Mistakes to Avoid

Cultivating the perfect front yard means different things to different people. Everyone has their own style and personal preferences when it comes to landscaping, which is part of what makes landscaping so interesting. Our homes and our yards are expressions of our personality and our style. That being said, there are quite a few mistakes […]
June 3, 2019

Easy Ways to Ruin Your Landscaping

Part of being a home or property owner is taking the time and effort to get your landscaping looking great. This is easier said than done, as achieving landscaping success can be a real challenge if you don’t know what you are doing. There are plenty of landscaping mistakes you can make when you are […]
June 2, 2019

Why Mowing Your Lawn When It’s Wet isn’t a Good Idea

Mowing the lawn is a landscaping activity that the vast majority of homeowners handle on their own. It’s a great opportunity to spend time outside and care for your property. That being said, there is a right way to mow your lawn and a wrong way. Many homeowners end up mowing their lawn too short […]
June 2, 2019

Flammable Plants to Skip Planting in Your Garden

If you live in a region or state like California that is prone to wildfires, you need to take certain steps to protect your property. Many gardeners end up planting certain species that they don’t know are extremely flammable, and as a result, their gardens are more prone to catching ablaze. Living in a dry […]