
October 31, 2018

How Rooftop Gardening Makes You Cooler and Helps the Environment

There’s nothing new under the sun, and this proves especially true when it comes to rooftop gardening. City dwellers have harnessed the untapped potential of rooftop growing spots for decades, but the benefits don’t stop with space creation. From helping to cool your city to increasing breathable oxygen levels, rooftop gardens come with many advantages. […]
October 27, 2018

Here’s How to Choose Landscape Boulders and Where to Put Them

Each year we quarry 1.33 billion metric tons of stone in the United States. It isn’t just used for construction, a few well-placed boulders can be a real centerpiece of your garden, walkway, or path. But picking the wrong type of boulder, or poor placement, could leave you with an eyesore rather than a centerpiece. […]
October 23, 2018

Landscaping Mounds, Berms, and Knolls: Create an Oasis on Flat Spaces

A flat landscape is a dream for a teenager with a lawnmowing business. But you’re not a teenager with a lawnmowing business. If you’re working with a flat landscape around your property, a rock formation might not be the solution for you. In these cases, property owners and landscapers prefer to approximate the effect of […]
October 23, 2018

5 Top Reasons To Add Mulch Under Your Trees

Planning on planting trees around your home? It can be a beautiful addition, but you have to be aware of how to care for them to keep them that way. One of the most important methods of tending to a tree is putting mulch around it. Mulch has many benefits to a tree such as […]