Easy Ways to Ruin Your Landscaping
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June 3, 2019Cultivating the perfect front yard means different things to different people. Everyone has their own style and personal preferences when it comes to landscaping, which is part of what makes landscaping so interesting. Our homes and our yards are expressions of our personality and our style. That being said, there are quite a few mistakes that people make when they try to handle their landscaping on their own. These mistakes are the most evident in the front yard, which is the first thing that people see when they look at your home. Your front yard should be aesthetically pleasing, uncluttered, and work well with the architecture of your home. Unfortunately, many people take their front yards overboard with lawn ornaments and landscaping strategies. We want you to avoid making these front yard mistakes at all costs, which is why we’ve prepared the following article. Keep reading on below to learn which mistakes to avoid making in your front yard.
1. Poor Landscaping
One of the most common mistakes that homeowners make with their front yards is poor landscaping practices. Some people don’t consider landscaping a priority, and it really shows in their front yard. A messy and disorganized front yard can detract from the overall appearance of your home and even lead to a lowering the value of the property. There are several small things you can do that will make a big difference in your front yard’s landscaping. There are quite a few classic landscaping mistakes that people make in their front yard. People mismatch their landscaping with the architecture of their home, which ends up looking strange. It’s also common for people to only focus on their lawn and no other parts of the yard. Letting your plants overgrow is another big mistake that many homeowners make.
2. Not Taking Down Holiday Decorations
Another big mistake that people make in their front yard is not taking down their holiday decoration. Do you really think that your neighbors want to see your Christmas lights and Santa for the entire year? This is a simple mistake to avoid and can really make a difference for your front yard. Sure, it’s ok to leave those Christmas decorations up for a week or so after the holiday takes place, but do the right thing and store it away when you are ready.
3. Having a Hot Tub in the Front Yard
If you are interested in taking your front yard to a new level, you might think that adding a relaxing and luxurious hot tub is a perfect choice. Hot tubs can certainly provide a great spot to relax and enjoy the outdoors, but make sure you keep them in the back yard. Putting a hot tub in your front yard is tacky and should be avoided at all costs. Your neighbors probably don’t want to see you and your family in swimsuits, and you are probably going to want privacy when you are using the hot tub as well, so keep it in the backyard!
4. Porch or Lawn Couches
The idea of sitting in a comfortable couch in your lawn or on your porch might seem great at first, but you should strongly consider how bad it will make your yard look. Couches are meant for the indoors. If you put an indoor couch outside, you are doing significant damage to the way that your front yard and your property look. Indoor furniture is not meant to be outside. It will probably get moldy and wear down quickly thanks to the sun and rain the couch will be exposed to. Try to avoid this mistake at all costs.
5. Doing Laundry in the Front Yard
If you are someone that does laundry the old way by using a clothesline or hanging your wet clothes outside in your front yard, you are making a big mistake. Your neighbors and people that are passing by likely do not want to see your dirty laundry hanging outside. It detracts from your landscaping and really looks tacky to people that are looking at your home. If you insist on hanging or drying your laundry outside, make sure you do it in the backyard or a space that isn’t visible to people passing by on the street.
6. Landscaping Choices That Don’t Match Your Climate
The landscaping world is full of different plants and vegetation choices you can make. However, often times people make the front yard mistake of choosing plants that don’t match their climate. For example, choosing tropical plants and landscaping in a climate that experiences four different seasons isn’t a good decision. You will struggle to keep the tropical plants alive and end up with landscaping that never truly thrives. This is an easy mistake to avoid if you think ahead of time when you are choosing your plants and stay practical with your landscaping selections.
7. Lawn Ornament Overload
The last front yard mistake we will touch on in this article is when people go overboard with lawn ornaments. Sure, having one or two lawn ornaments outside is a great way to express your personality and add some diversity to your landscaping. That being said, it’s easy for people to go overboard with them. Lawn ornaments like gnomes, flamingos, and geese often times look very tacky and really don’t add much in terms of style and appearance to your front yard. Don’t go overboard with your lawn ornaments in your front yard!
We hope this article has shed some light on the most common mistakes that people make in their front yards. If you are looking to improve your front yard or would like to purchase the best landscaping products on the market, reach out to Cal Blend Soils today. We can answer all of your landscaping questions and help you find the tools you need to achieve an amazing front yard.