Rockin’ Landscapes: The 5 Best Types of Landscape Rocks

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Rockin’ Landscapes: The 5 Best Types of Landscape Rocks

types of landscaping rocks

Did you know that the landscaping industry in the United States is booming? After all, the entire industry earns $88 billion in revenue per year.

For consumers, a bigger industry means more options!

But don’t rush in blindly. If you’re looking for boulder placement services, you need to know about the types of landscaping rocks suitable to your outdoors first. Read on if you want to know the best ones out there.

1. Decomposed Granite

If you want a soft, rustic look for your yard, decomposed granite is one of the best landscape rock types out there. At its usual form, it has a reddish-tan color with a sandy texture.

You can always use this around trees as well as ground cover and garden trails since it’s the most affordable option.

2. Pea Gravel

These landscape gravel types are often at 1/4-inch to 1/8-inch in terms of size. You can choose from a wide color range–from white to brown. It has versatile uses since you can use it to cover your driveways or fill up the spaces in between your home’s stone pavers.

If you want a good weed barrier, pea gravel is for you because, unlike mulch, it doesn’t decompose.

3. Crushed Granite Gravel

Compared to its decomposed granite counterpart, it has larger particles. Its main advantage over other different types of landscape rocks is its natural look.

It looks especially great for your yard, giving you a means of transitioning between your garden plants and the path.

4. Lava Rock

It might be a bit pricey but these actual volcanic stones have bold and vibrant colors. This is great if you want to give a beautiful accent to your landscape. It works no matter what landscape design you might have for your yard.

If you’re in a drier climate, you benefit a lot from lava rocks. They absorb the heat during daytime and release it during nighttime. It’s light so it’s easier to carry around and spread.

5. River Rock

When it comes to smoothness, river rocks are much better than pea gravel. They’re larger and come in different sizes and hues. It’s a great means of making a pretty border for your gardens or dry creek beds.

If you follow the current trends for landscaping, functionality is becoming more apparent. With these rocks, you can create a means of directing drainage through your property. It’s great if you’re in an area where it rains a lot.

Learn the Types of Landscaping Rocks today!

Landscaping rocks and gravel give you a lot of choices when making an artistic landscape. From rustic-looking pathways to charming courtyard designs, you can count on these to help complete the look. For best results, you need to partner with a good designer to make your dreams come true.

Do you need more types of landscaping rocks for your yard? Contact us today and we’ll help you find the most suitable materials for your garden and yard.