Some Common Landscaping Mistakes and How to Prevent Them
May 3, 2019
Amazing Health Benefits Associated with Gardening
May 3, 2019Is there anything worse than heading out to your garden only to find that it has been overrun with weeds? Weeds can derail an entire garden or landscape if you aren’t careful. If you are growing things like vegetables, herbs, fruits, or flowers, you need to stay on top of things to avoid any weeds from taking over. Landscapers are always looking for new and creative ways to avoid this pesky garden issue. It helps to learn about what types of weeds are out there and how to prevent them, which is why we’ve prepared the following article. Keep reading on to learn about the most common types of weeds that might be affecting your garden or landscape. This article is brought to you by Cal Blend Soils Inc., the nation’s leading landscape product supplier.
What are weeds?
A weed is essentially an unwanted plant that grows in competition with other plants. A good example is that if you are trying to grow strawberries and you notice other plants growing instead, they are weeds. One of the classic traits that all weeds have is that they have abundant seed productivity. That means they produce tons of seeds that can easily spread all over your garden or landscape. They are also great at reproducing quickly, which is why it’s easy for gardeners to wake up one day only to find that their garden has been completely overrun by weeds. They are also long-term survivors, which means they might go dormant for a while until the right conditions present themselves. The bottom line is that weeds are plants that are built to spread and survive. That’s why they can be so difficult to get rid of if you have them in your yard.
The Most Common Types of Weeds
1. Crabgrass
Crabgrass is a summer annual weed that can end up growing up to 2 feet tall if it goes without mowing. It normally shows up in the spring or summer because it thrives in dry and hot conditions. The good news about crabgrass is that it’s fairly easy to take care of. If you mow your lawn regularly, you are cutting the crabgrass down and preventing it from flowering and producing more seeds. In your garden, you can control crabgrass by raking and using mulch regularly. Organic mulches are great but make sure you rake them regularly to prevent weeds like crabgrass from taking over.
2. Dandelions
Dandelions are easily recognizable thanks to their bright yellow flowers. They typically start to pop up in the springtime and are actually edible! Dandelions have seeds that are windborn, which means it’s easy for them to spread all over your property. They also have large taproots which makes them extremely hardy. You will need to pull out dandelions by hand to really get rid of them. This can be a very tedious and time-consuming process, so make sure you get rid of dandelions as soon as possible before they start reproducing all over the place.
3. Creeping Charlie
Creeping Charlie is also known as ground ivy and has been invading North American lawns for years. It features bright green leaves and creeping stems. The problem with Creeping Charlie is that it spreads in two ways, with its seeds, and with its creeping stems. The best way to control this weed is to make sure your soil drainage is functioning well. You can remove Creeping Charlie by hand to remove it from your garden. If you are looking to improve your soil drainage, you can invest in landscaping products like topsoil and soil amendments to improve the quality of your soil.
4. Pigweed
The last weed we will discuss in this article is Pigweed. It is easy to recognize thanks to its red taproot. It will normally show up in the spring or early summer because it loves to live in warm weather. You definitely want to pull this weed out of your garden before it flowers. One way to prevent Pigweed from taking over your landscaping is to regularly mulch your property, particularly in the winter.
How to Prevent Weeds
Now that you know about some of the most common weeds that affect the landscaping world, it’s time to learn how to prevent them. There are several ways to avoid weeds from taking over, and most of them focus on preventative maintenance. The most important concept to understand for preventing weeds is to prevent them from seeding. Weeds are masters at producing tons of seeds, which is why they spread so easily. That’s why it’s vital to remove weeds as soon as you notice them. The last thing you want is a weed growing into the stage where it flowers and produces seeds.
Another great way to prevent weeds is to regularly mulch. Mulch is an incredible landscaping product that prevents weeds from spreading and growing in. Use two to three inches of mulch each time you are mulching for maximum results. The mulch will block the weeds from getting the sunlight they need to grow. Mulch will also help to regulate the temperature of your soil and add nutrients over time.
You can also use garden tools like a hoe and a tiller to take out weeds that have started to grow in your landscaping. You should always keep your garden tools clean to avoid unintentionally spreading weeds throughout your garden. Resorting to tools is a great alternative to picking out the weeds by hand, but you can really go with both.
We hope this article has provided you with some valuable insight into dealing with weeds. There are several more common weeds to look out for, so reach out to Cal Blend Soils Inc. if you have any additional questions.