6 Insects That Are Beneficial to Your Garden
December 23, 2018Don’t Make These Composting Mistakes
December 27, 2018You’ve probably seen pictures of raised garden beds online and in magazines. Maybe you’re interested in trying to create one in your own yard, but you’re not sure where to start. The practice of building raised garden beds goes back thousands of years. Today, there is no sign of them losing their popularity any time soon.
There’s a reason why raised garden beds make so many appearances in landscaping editorials. They really are beautiful to look at! You can spruce up the look of your backyard with a raised vegetable garden or give your home some curb appeal with raised flower beds in your front yard. Raised garden beds are a great way to add extra visual appeal to your garden. However, there are many practical reasons for installing a raised garden bed as well.
Benefits of a Raised Garden Bed
Easy Startup
First and foremost, one of the best benefits of a raised garden bed is that you do not have to prep your soil. Rather than tilling an area of your yard and adding soil amendments, you will simply fill your raised garden bed with a quality growing medium. This will save you a great deal of time and labor. You can fill your raised garden bed with compost, planting soil, mulch or other mediums depending on what you’re growing. Talk to your landscaping supply professional to help you decide what is right for your raised bed. There is also less chance of losing your valuable planting medium to wind and watershed. Your planting medium is always safely contained within the bed.
Your Plants Will Thrive
Another benefit to raised garden beds is that they protect your plants against pests. The tall sides of a raised bed act as a deterrent against pests like snails. If you have pets at home, a raised garden bed will also help ensure that your dog does not decide to make your tomatoes as his territory. If you have problems with other animals such as birds getting into your plants, consider adding an additional barrier such as a hoop structure covered with garden plastic.
Keeping your plants in a raised garden bed can also do wonders for aerating your soil. That’s because raised garden beds allow for better drainage than simply planting in the ground. Most raised garden beds are around a foot tall. When you water your plants, less of that moisture pools around the roots of your plants. You can add a bottom to your raised garden to hold some that moisture in your bed until its needed.
Lower Maintenance
Weed control is also less of a concern when you go with a raised bed. Because you don’t have to till and otherwise prepare your soil before using your raised bed, that means there is less opportunity for spreading weed seeds. During seasons when you’re not using your raised bed, you can simply cover your soil with mulch to protect it from unwelcomed weed seeds. However, it’s important to point out that you can successfully grow vegetables and herbs in your raised bed practically throughout the year.
The reason why you can extend your growing season with a raised bed is largely due to the efficient drainage mentioned above. During rainy seasons, your soil will not stay soaking wet for long periods of times. This gives your soil more time to warm, which is essential to the growth of your plants. As long as you start with a quality growing medium, you should be able to plant your spring garden much earlier in the season. If you have any questions about what type of growing medium would be best for your raised garden bed, talk to one of our knowledgeable associates. We care the widest variety of topsoil and soil additives in town.
The right soil is so important if you want your plants to thrive. Unfortunately, soil can sometimes become contaminated either by pests, chemicals, or other things that can be bad for your plants. If you were to plant your garden directly into the ground, you would be faced with a major problem. In some cases, you ground soil could be unusable for a long time. However, using raised plant beds allows you the flexibility to change out all or part of your soil as needed. That can save you a lot of time and lost plants if something unexpected happens.
Perfect for Every Gardner!
Perhaps the most appealing thing about a raised garden bed is that there is not much commitment required by homeowners. Instead of tearing up and tilling a portion of your yard, you can simply remove your raised garden bed. This allows you to either be done with your bed completely or simply move it. You may want to experiment with placing your bed in a new spot in your yard. If you’re a renter, a raised bed may allow you to have the garden you’ve always wanted without risk of losing your deposit for tearing up your yard when it comes time to move.
If you want to look like a professional gardener, even if you’re not one, then a raised garden bed may be perfect for you. It doesn’t matter if you plant to grow flowers or edible plants. The visual appeal of a raised bed in your yard cannot be denied. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice, raised garden beds are great for everyone. They require very little knowledge to get started. Plus, they can be constructed with a minimal investment. When done correctly, you may find that your gardening attempts are more successful than ever when you switch from in-ground planting to a raised bed.
For all your landscaping supply needs, come into Cal Blend Soils. We have years of experience in helping our customers create the garden of our dreams. That next time you’re ready to start a new project, be sure to stop by our shop where our friendly associates are always standing by to help you.