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August 31, 2020The real secret to landscaping success is to stay hungry for new knowledge, tips, and techniques. The best landscapers are constantly tweaking their routines and trying out new things to find what works best for their individual properties. The thing to remember is that everyone has a different set of conditions that they are working with. That means you need to stay flexible and find out what the right approach is for your landscape to achieve the best results. Unfortunately, many landscapers have to learn what works the hard way through trial and error. The good news is that we’ve created a list below to help you learn some of the smartest landscaping tips without having to figure it out on your own.
We are going to walk you through 6 landscaping secrets from the pros so that you can get your landscaping to reach its full potential. Each one of these tips will make a profound impact on the way that you handle your landscaping and can change your entire outlook on your property. This article is brought to you by Cal Blend Soils, the leading supplier of landscaping products in the California area.
Landscaping Secret 1 – Research is Key
Believe it or not, one of the most important things to do before you even plant a single thing in your landscape is to do some research. That means researching things like the species of plant you are interested in, the landscaping products you will be using, or certain design elements. By learning about things like the specific conditions a plant will need to grow, how large it will be, and any issues that are common for a particular plant species, you can make sure to avoid any potential issues from simple oversights.
Try to consider what exactly you want your plant to accomplish before moving forward. For example, a plant that is being used for color or design purposes will be different than a plant that you use for functional reasons. The more you can learn about a particular plant or landscaping activity before you begin work, the better.
Landscaping Secret 2 – Use Walkways to Your Advantage
We oftentimes don’t really think about how people are going to walk around on our property as we are in the design phases. This is a landscaping issue that can lead to problems such as soil compaction, which is why you should consider this professional landscaping secret. Adding walkways to your property is a great way to connect certain sections of your landscape with others and allow people to walk through without causing any damage to your plants.
Some of the best materials to use for constructing walkways include decorative gravel, mulch, and stone. It all depends on your own unique style preferences and what you are trying to accomplish from a design perspective. If you are interested in browsing materials like decorative gravel and mulch, reach out to Cal Blend Soils today.
Landscaping Secret 3 – Use Focal Points
Another smart tip for making the most out of your landscaping is to use focal points. These are points of interest that attract attention and can really add a lot to the overall design of your property. Focal points can be exactly what your landscaping is missing, so make sure you consider adding them if you are looking to improve your property.
Some of the common focal points that people use include walkways and water features, although there are other options you might want to consider. Even a large tree or a boulder can be used to serve as a focal point. It all depends on what you are looking for personally.
Landscaping Secret 4 – Native Plants Make Your Life Easier
Sometimes, landscapers fall victim to the mistake of trying to add exotic plants into the equation. These plants are simply not suited to grow in every environment and will require a specific set of conditions to really thrive, which can lead to some frustrating issues if you aren’t careful. Instead, you should follow this professional landscaping secret and add native plants to your property.
Native plants are plants that are known to grow in nature locally. That means they are perfectly suited for growing in your landscaping. By adding native plants, you can rest easy knowing that they are going to grow in healthy and without issues. There’s nothing worse than planting something only to watch it struggle from day one, which is why using native plants is such a great idea.
Landscaping Secret 5 – Test Your Soil
One of the lesser-known landscaping activities that professionals pursue is soil testing. A soil test is great because it allows you to learn exactly what your soil is made up of. That way, you can add landscaping products like soil amendments to improve the quality of your soil and in turn improve your entire landscape. High-quality soil is absolutely crucial for growing plants, which means if you are having trouble growing certain plants it is likely due to the soil composition on your property.
A soil test is easy to perform and will provide you some very valuable insight. If you are interested in purchasing landscaping products that will improve your soil or if you have any questions about soil testing, reach out to Cal Blend Soils today.
Landscaping Secret 6 – Less is More When It Comes to Watering
The final landscaping secret we will feature is the idea that less is more when you are watering your plants. While it’s true that water is essential for any plants you are trying to grow, its best to water your plants more deeply but with less frequency. A lot will depend on the time of year and your soil quality, but watering your plants deeply a few times a week so that the water reaches their roots is more effective than daily watering. Keep that in mind going forward to get the best results out of your landscaping.